Finansiering via Starting Grant från ERC Aalto-universitetet
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(estimated grants) Starting Grant. ERC-2021-StG. 12 January 2021. 9 March 2021. tbc.
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It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Vacancies for team members interested in joining an ERC led research project, can be published on the Euraxess-Jobs portal. The Advanced Grant call is scheduled to open on May 20, 2021, and will close on August 31, 2021. ERC Starting grant The first type of the ERC grants is aimed at supporting researchers of any nationality with two to seven years of experience after completing their PhD. EU Grants: ERC Rules of submission and evaluation under Horizon Europe: V1.0 – 25.02.2021 2 CONTEXT, SCOPE AND DEFINITION OF TERMS The European Research Council (ERC) is established by the European Commission1 under the provisions of the Specific Programme of Horizon Europe - the Framework Programme The grant will be evaluated on the basis of three evaluation criteria: 1. Excellence in Innovation potential: Proposals will have to demonstrate that the proposed Proof of Concept activity could greatly help move the output of research towards the initial steps of pre-commercialisation or social innovation.
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På andra försöket lyckades Mikael Lundqvist få ett ERC Starting Grant. Även om det är Georgios Sotiriou in our modern labs at Karolinska Institutet Solna Campus.
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These support researchers who are starting their own independent research team or programme. The ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants are part of the main ERC frontier research grants 2021 funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The ERC's main frontier research grants aim to empower individual researchers and provide the best settings to foster their creativity. Scientific The ERC enhancements follow the recently released IRS Notice 2021-20 that provided formal guidance for the 2020 ERC, including the interaction between wages used for PPP forgiveness and the ERC. The IRS is expected to release additional guidance soon to provide additional details on the 2021 ERC. The Advanced Grant call is scheduled to open on May 20, 2021, and will close on August 31, 2021. ERC Starting grant The first type of the ERC grants is aimed at supporting researchers of any nationality with two to seven years of experience after completing their PhD. Profile of the ERC Starting Grant Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigators shall have been awarded their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2021. Cut-off dates: PhD awarded from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 (inclusive).
It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Vacancies for team members interested in joining an ERC led research project, can be published on the Euraxess-Jobs portal. The Advanced Grant call is scheduled to open on May 20, 2021, and will close on August 31, 2021. ERC Starting grant The first type of the ERC grants is aimed at supporting researchers of any nationality with two to seven years of experience after completing their PhD.
EU Grants: ERC Rules of submission and evaluation under Horizon Europe: V1.0 – 25.02.2021 2 CONTEXT, SCOPE AND DEFINITION OF TERMS The European Research Council (ERC) is established by the European Commission1 under the provisions of the Specific Programme of Horizon Europe - the Framework Programme
The grant will be evaluated on the basis of three evaluation criteria: 1. Excellence in Innovation potential: Proposals will have to demonstrate that the proposed Proof of Concept activity could greatly help move the output of research towards the initial steps of pre-commercialisation or social innovation. 2. Preliminary deadline for ERC Advanced Grants call 2021 is 31 August 2021.
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L’ERC Consolidator Grants s’adresse aux chercheurs ayant obtenu leur thèse sept à douze ans auparavant. La date limite de soumission des projets est le 20 avril 2021. For the ERC Starting Grant, the submission system is now open on the ECs funding and tenders portal.This call closes on 8 April 2021, 17.00h.Please note that the date is different from the one indicated in the EPSO briefing on ERC 2021 calls published on 26.02.2021 for Members only. Il programma Talent @UniPD ha lo scopo di individuare candidati in fase iniziale della carriera, competitivi per i bandi “ERC Starting Grant 2021” e “ERC Consolidator Grant 2021”, finanziati dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma quadro Horizon Europe, con scadenza indicativa rispettivamente il 9 marzo 2021 e il 20 aprile 2021.
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ERC Starting Grant - Beslut för 2020 och utlysningar 2021 Det europeiska forskningsrådet (ERC) främjar forskardriven forskning inom alla vetenskapliga områden och stödjer spetsforskning, mång- och tvärvetenskapliga projekt och banbrytande idéer i nya och framväxande områden. Profile of the ERC Starting Grant Principal Investigator The Principal Investigators shall have been awarded their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2021. Cut-off dates: PhD awarded from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 (inclusive).
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La date limite de soumission des Unlinke other European funding programs are ERC Grants aimed at individually outstanding researchers for 5 years, October 2020, pobably January 2021. ERC Starting Grant call 2021 has officially opened. The call details has been published on Funding and Tender Portal (see here: F&T Portal).The submission 18 Dec 2019 According to the ERC, all its mono-beneficiary ERC calls (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced Grants, PoC) are expected to be launched in 2021 The first frontier calls expected to open in 2021 are the Starting Grant call ( tentative opening date: 12-01-2021, tentative deadline: 09-03-2021) and the 12 Feb 2021 More information can be found on the ERC website . Link. ERC Consolidator Grant (deadline 20 April 2021).
Kasper Moth-Poulsen - Professor, Head of Division of Applied
ERC 2021 Consolidator Grant Information Event Overview of the ERC, eligibility and proposal development. 16 March 2021. The ERC under Horizon Europe: 2021 call deadlines have been officially published.
Dne 25.2. je bil objavljen razpis za ERC projekte za začetek samostojne raziskovalne poti 2021 (ERC Starting Grant 2021) z zaključnim rokom 24.3. ERC Starting Grants competition 2021 - Would you like to know how many of you applied and in what fields? Check out these preliminary data. Sneak peek on the open to researchers between 2 and 7 years after PhD, maxium funding: 2 million euros for the maximum period of funding of 5 years. · Work Programme 2021.