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Following ABAP code block populates an internal table with sample data. After then using an ABAP Loop command, each internal table row is processed. In case the internal table text is not matching a criteria, the internal table row is deleted using the "Delete itable Index sy-tabix" ABAP command. Advanced operations for internal tables in ABAP. Contribute to joschkarick/abapITABOperations development by creating an account on GitHub. I guess all people gave you all the hints to optimize your code.
DATA(lt_extract) = FILTER #( lt_bseg USING KEY matnr_bwtar WHERE matnr = CONV matnr( SPACE ) AND bwtar = CONV bwtar( SPACE ) ). 2016-09-12 2012-01-11 ABAP Addition ABAP Code Snippet What does it do? Static WHERE condition. All rows are processed for which the condition after WHERE is met.
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CX_SY_ITAB_ERROR Attributes. List of attributes within class CX_SY_ITAB_ERROR.
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Static WHERE condition. All rows are processed for which the condition after WHERE is met. WHERE can be specified for all table categories. A logical expression log_exp can be specified after WHERE, in which the first operand of each relational expression is a component of the internal table. 2015-11-17 Declaring internal tables is an essential part of writing ABAP code as this is where most of the data retrieved from database tables will be stored.
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LOOP AT ITAB INTO wa LOOP AT ITAB Operations for Index Tables.
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abap documentation: Internal Table Loop. Example LOOP AT itab INTO wa. ENDLOOP.
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I guess all people gave you all the hints to optimize your code. Essentially, as you want to optimize only the 2nd part, the only issues seem to be with itab operations (loop, read, modify), that you may improve by using an index or a or a hash table on the internal table itab.
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The USING KEY addition can be used to specify a table key in keyname used to carry out the processing. The specified table key influences the order in which the table rows are accessed, and the evaluation of the remaining conditions. INSERT sy-index INTO itab INDEX 1. “For itab_position using index of internal table. Here we are inserting the sy-index to the table itab with a single field of type integer.
include structure bdcdata. data: end of itab_bdc_tab. The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module BAPI_REFSETOFOPERATIONS_CREATE including all data declarations. The code uses the latest in-line data DECLARATION SYNTAX but I have included an ABAP code snippet at the end to show how declarations would look using the original method of declaring data variables up front. I/O operations that read/write to hard disk are always the most expensive operations.