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Tax preparers can become an authorized IRS e-file provider through an application and screening process. In 2012, the IRS made this as a requirement for tax preparers who prepares and files 11 or more tax forms during a calendar year. Click the Application link. Click the e-File Application link.

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An EFIN is a six digit number given to ERO's (electronic return originator) to be able to submit tax returns to the IRS electronically. Many preparers run into difficulty completing this process. Whether your application was filed too late, or you have yet to file for an EFIN, we will help you get your tax office up an running this upcoming tax season. Application Summary for a saved e-file Application The application summary will show information for the Firm, Authorized User(s), Terms of Agreement Signature(s) and Personal Information, Provider Option(s), Forms Transmission Status, EFIN(s), ETIN(s) and the Application Status. 2016-09-08 This video shows how to find your e-file tracking number and EFIN in IRS e-file Application Summary.

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We do not review the information you submit on a professional, legal or accounting level as we are not, nor are we affiliated with any attorneys or accountants. Requirements Needed for Your EFIN Application.

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