Delpopulation in English with contextual examples - MyMemory


Ekologiska landskapssamband, rapport 10 - Kristianstads

  • A steady migration of organisms out of the mainland to the islands, called propagule rain, is independent of the number of patches vacant or filled.
  • Metapopulation example

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    metapopulation. Science 325:1124-1128. Seaman, W. Example of how not accounting for species interactions may affect Dispersal and the metapopulation paradigm in amphibian ecology and  av B Elmhagen — example, if two individuals with similar food niches also compete For example, predation by coyotes Canis metapopulations: environmental tracking by rare. Modellera - English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples. Swedish - English Translator.

    Befolkningsekologi - Artinteraktioner och befolkningstillväxt

    This  As in the migration-only models studied previously, the genealogy of any sample includes two phases: a brief sample-size adjustment followed by a coalescent  Levins' (1969) metapopulation model and projected occupancy rates for a variety of parameter values. Examples from the literature of behaviors associated with  which distinguish META-X from other software for metapopulation viability analysis, for example, VORTEX (Lacy et al. 1995; Lacy 2000) and RAMAS. Metapop  As an example we applied it to two metapopulation models of insect species in a highly fragmented landscape: the well-known incidence function model with.

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    The metapopulation is not the entire population, just the … The Mainland-Island Metapopulation

    • Several small “island” patches are within dispersal distance of a much larger “mainland” patch.
    • Though smaller patches have a high probability of local extinction, there is a highly improbable chance that the mainland population will ever become extinct.
    • A steady migration of organisms out of the mainland to the islands, called … 2017-08-16 For example, the assumption that patches are all equally isolated could be made more realistic by specifying different migration rates among local populations.

      av S Höjgård · 2015 · Citerat av 11 — One example is livestock associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus A metapopulation model to assess the capacity of spread of  In BiodivERsA I introduced, for example, the new format of policy briefs, with just 4 ecology, population genetics, and modelling of metapopulation dynamics of  av L Sundqvist · 2016 · Citerat av 1 — A structured population can be referred to as a metapopulation, di- One interesting example would be Fucus vesiculosus, which in Paper IV is shown to have a  Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. metapopulation av viltlevande svin: varje grupp eller delpopulation av  disease control, population and metapopulation theory, ecosystem dynamics, and Examples of the systems modeled in the book range from models of cell  These are a few examples of the many things that we need to research about our metapopulations (i.e. spatially separated populations that interact at some  Reduced large-scale beta-diversity and changes in metapopulation patterns of sediment bacterial communities following a major inflow into the Baltic  av S ALTIZER · 2007 · Citerat av 149 — 2003). In mammals, for example, most declines or near-extinctions have been endangered metapopulations: the importance of alternative hosts.
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      Kingston, Negril, London, Liverpool, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston would represent the metacommunities in which we could find our metapopulations of Jamaicans. According to the Levins model, metapopulation persistence is due to a stochastic balance between local extinction and re-colonization of empty habitat patches.The rate of change in occupied habitat patches is a function of colonization rates (c) and extinction rates (e) as shown in Equation 5.2 (Levins 1969).

      av RS Series · 2008 — For example, the "kit-fox" was the name of an extinct One of the strongest examples of intraguild pressure among times in structured metapopulation models. av S Höjgård · 2015 · Citerat av 11 — One example is livestock associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus A metapopulation model to assess the capacity of spread of  In BiodivERsA I introduced, for example, the new format of policy briefs, with just 4 ecology, population genetics, and modelling of metapopulation dynamics of  av L Sundqvist · 2016 · Citerat av 1 — A structured population can be referred to as a metapopulation, di- One interesting example would be Fucus vesiculosus, which in Paper IV is shown to have a  Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory.
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      Levin's metapopulation (classical metapopulation; narrow-sense metapopulation) En metapopulation är ett ekologiskt begrepp för system av lokala populationer av samma art som är rumsligt åtskilda. De lokala populationerna är så små att de löper en viss risk att dö ut, men de lokala utdöendena kompenseras av att nya lokala populationer uppstår genom kolonisationer.

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      Example  Studying metapopulation theory. Defined thus, it represents a fine example of opposing processes requiring mathematical modelling. On the one hand, patches  Similarity between source-sink and mainland-island populations? • Examples? Page 19. 5.8 Non-equilibrium & patchy metapopulations. •  Levins (1970) metapopulation = a population of Metapopulations: Extinction.

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      For example, an assumption of metapopulation theory is that dynamics of local populations are not synchronous (Freckleton & Watkinson 2002). Thus, even 1‐ or 2‐year studies of spatial variation in plant demography and/or effects of herbivores or pathogens on seed production provide useful inferences on the degree of spatial autocorrelation in plant fitness, and likely in population dynamics. Se hela listan på Metapopulation models consider local populations as individuals. Dynamics of local populations is either not considered at all, or is considered in a very abbreviated way. Most of metapopulation models are based on colonization-extinction equilibrium.

      Defined thus, it represents a fine example of opposing processes requiring mathematical modelling. On the one hand, patches  Similarity between source-sink and mainland-island populations?