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Literally, however, the word more closely translates as "level" or "stage". For example, some jumping kicks are called "ee dan" kicks, which translates as "level two", where ee is the number two in the sino-Korean numbering system. De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă Dănuț Florin Chișu cunoscut publicului cu numele Dan Chișu (n. 21 iulie 1955, Dăeni, Tulcea) este un actor, regizor, bucătar și producător român. Wikipedia ejes af paraplyorganisationen Wikimedia Foundation, som driver flere flersproglige og frie projekter hvor alle kan bidrage. Meta-Wiki Om Wikiprojekterne Wiktionary Flersproget ordbog Wikiquote Citatsamling Wikisource Kildemateriale Wikibooks Gratis bøger og manualer Wikiversity Fri læring Wikispecies Videnskabelig artsoversigt Dan, nicknamed Squirrely Dan by his close friends, is a main character on Letterkenny. He is played by K. Trevor Wilson.
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Wikipedia ranks higher than LinkedIn on Google search rankings and has more credibility because of the challenge of creating and maintaining a profile You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. Wiki
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Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links Wikipedia is a multilingual, crowd-sourced online Encyclopedia that is free for anyone to use and contribute. Learn more about Wikipedia.
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Dans (Fransızca: Danse) ya da Raks (Arapça: رقص), tüm vücudun bir müzik ritmi eşliğinde estetikle birlikte çalıştırılabildiği bir gelenek, sanat, bir tedavi şekli veya sadece bir ifade şekli olabilir. Historiquement, l'idée d'intelligence artificielle semble émerger dans les années 1950 quand Alan Turing se demande si une machine peut « penser ». Dans l'article « Computing Machinery and Intelligence » (Mind, octobre 1950) [9], Turing explore ce problème et propose une expérience (maintenant dite test de Turing) visant à trouver à partir de quand une machine deviendrait Launched in early 2001, Wikipedia is a free, Web-based encyclopedia that is fully accessible to every user. As an online reference site, it includes entries in nearly every language on a broad range of topics, from science and mathematics t When it comes to some of the most common health conditions in the US—heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer—Wikipedia’s entries contain many errors. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links Wikipedia is a multilingual, crowd-sourced online Encyclopedia that is free for anyone to use and contribute. Learn more about Wikipedia.
Subsequent locations were opened in London , Barcelona , New York , St. Petersburg , New Zealand, Melbourne Australia, and Nairobi .