Added method 4 by installing level detection de vice in pr imary drain line. Added exception for fueled-fired appliances that have automatic shut down for drainage blockage. M-7 307.2.3.1 Water Level Monitoring Devices New Section. The Safe-T-Switch meets both IMC Code 307.2.5 Drain Line Maintenance and IMC Code 307.2.3.4.
Such overflow drain shall discharge to a conspicuous point of disposal to alert occupants in the event of a stoppage of the primary drain. The overflow drain line shall connect @ # @ The applicable Codes are the `12 IMC & IPC. I am looking for Code Sections regarding condensate drain lines. QUESTION: Can condensate drain lines connect directly to the sanitary sewer system, or must there be an Air Gap or Air Break at the point of termination. Thanks ! @ # @ 307.2.3.2 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems New/expanded requirement Where an appliance, equipment or insulation is subject to water damage when auxiliary drain pans fill, that portion of the appliance, equipment or insu lation shall be installed above the rim of the pans. figure 307.2.3(1) primary and auxiliary drain pan float switch; figure 307.2.3(2) condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3(3) in-line condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3.2 appliances, equipment and insulation in pans; section 308 clearance reduction ; figure 308.1(1) clearance to combustibles— examples of how to measure Answer: Section 307.2.3(1) only requires that the auxiliary drain pan be sized three inches larger in overall width and length with respect to the unit. The code to IMC 307.2.3 (2).) Section 401.1; add a sentence to read as follows: The provisions of this Chapter are meant to work in coordination with the provisions of the Building Code.
19 Jul 2001 The 2012 IMC and IBC text covers heating concerns only and does not distinguish between residential or commercial buildings. The intent of Section 307.2.3 is amended by changing item 2 to read as follows: 2. A separate overflow exhaust systems see Section 510.1-510.9 IMC. Section 903.3 is {Remainder unchanged}. (V) Section 307.2.3 is amended by changing item #2 to read as follows: hazardous exhaust systems see Section 510.1-510.9 IMC.” of the installation.
Committee only found one UL 508 listed high-level condensate switch from one m anufacturer; this device is a mechanical ball-float of much lower quality than the electronic **Section 307.2.3; amend item 2 to read as follows: 2.
The most common condensate drain system seal in existing buildings is the p-trap. The p-trap re- lies on the continuous presence
307.2.3 Auxiliary and Secondary Drain Systems.
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PART I – IMC Revise as follows: 307.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems.
In the 2015 IMC, section 307.2.3 also details specific requirements for cooling coils installed above ceilings, which have a direct impact on the ceiling design aesthetics, maintenance, and occupant impact to the space. Install a secondary pan at least 3″ wider than the appliance (1.5″ in each direction) and condensate overflow protection to ensure that an overflow won't result in MAJOR damage in accordance with IMC 307.2.3; When it comes to condensate in an attic CHECK EVERYTHING TWICE. LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT.
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Ignorance of the law shall not excuse (IMC) section 307.2.3 requires the use of auxil-iary drain pans. Many municipalities have adopted this code. This practice represents the standard for profes- sional Section 307.2.3; amend item 2 to read as follows: 2. A separate overflow drain line shall be connected to the drain pan provided with the equipment.
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The requirements in IMC section 307.2.3 are not included as part of this chapter.
Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Mechanical Code (IMC). New York State adopted the IMC 307.2.3;. IRC M-1411.3. Minor. F P N/A The International Mechanical Code® (IMC®) is a model code that regulates the design and installa- 307.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems. In addi-.
Thanks ! @ # @ 307.2.3.2 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems New/expanded requirement Where an appliance, equipment or insulation is subject to water damage when auxiliary drain pans fill, that portion of the appliance, equipment or insu lation shall be installed above the rim of the pans. figure 307.2.3(1) primary and auxiliary drain pan float switch; figure 307.2.3(2) condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3(3) in-line condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3.2 appliances, equipment and insulation in pans; section 308 clearance reduction ; figure 308.1(1) clearance to combustibles— examples of how to measure Answer: Section 307.2.3(1) only requires that the auxiliary drain pan be sized three inches larger in overall width and length with respect to the unit. The code to IMC 307.2.3 (2).) Section 401.1; add a sentence to read as follows: The provisions of this Chapter are meant to work in coordination with the provisions of the Building Code.