Finansiering via Starting Grant från ERC Aalto-universitetet


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The ERC strives to integrate an occupational safety and health perspective in all of its activities, including such activities as the STEER program, a summer internship program funded by the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, which is designed to encourage students to consider further study in one of the ERC programs. Profile of the ERC Starting Grant Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigators shall have been awarded their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2021. Cut-off dates: PhD awarded from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 (inclusive). The ERC Advanced Grant will provide Lars-Erik Wernersson with EUR 2.5 million over a five-year period.

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“It is a real honour. The good thing about the ERC is that they give us the chance to conduct applied basic research, in other words the opportunity to explore things without knowing exactly where it might lead. ERC awards grants for three career levels: Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant and Advanced Grant. Moreover, there is Synergy Grant, which had been awarded twice in 2011 and 2012, and Proof of Concept, which can be applied for by ERC grant recipients with the aim to commercialise results of the ERC grant. Grants Search - Grants Data Portal. Search any words with filters here. Click here for Grants Search Help.

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The grant application process · Find a suitable Call for Proposals · Find project partners or apply as an individual · Create an account on the EU portal · Register your  The European Research Council (ERC) regularly awards ERC Grants to leading In addition, together with her research team, she is compiling a database that  Mar 17, 2021 Dr Jojo Nem Singh will present ERC-funded research project on rare earth mining and share advice on how to get started on European  Congratulations to Pavel Mykhailiuk, Chief Scientific Officer at Enamine, for receiving ERC Consolidator Grant funding for the Project: BENOVELTY - Saturated  Feb 13, 2021 The ERC AdG deadline is August 29th 2020 and researchers with more than 10 years of experience can apply. You'll find information about the  ERC Starting Grant for young, early-career top researchers (2-7 years after PhD) of 5 years; ERC Advanced Grant for senior research leaders with significant research If you are searching for an overview of currently open calls, cl ERC Grants.

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Because of its unique requirements, ERC grant writing tends to be counterintuitive for researchers accustomed to the requirements and standards of other funding schemes.

Micro Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policy (MICROTOMACROANDBACK). Kurt Mitman.
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Learn about all the different types of ERC grants, with a focus on the ERC Starting Grants, which are aimed at researchers of any nationality with two to seven years of experience since completion of their PhD. ERC Grants at the University of Vienna. The funding of pioneering basic research is one of the priorities of the European Union. To this end, the European Research Council (ERC) has been established.

It provides funding for top researchers in order to promote basic research and  Mar 21, 2021 The process gives physicists clues about how particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature.
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Prof. Luca Brandt has been awarded an ERC Consolidator

The Advanced Grants support well-established top researchers with a recent  For ERC Frontier Research and Proof of Concept Grants funded under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation it is mandatory to  The European Research Council (ERC) was set up by the European Commission. It provides funding for top researchers in order to promote basic research and  Mar 21, 2021 The process gives physicists clues about how particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature. Find out more on http://  Serbyn has been awarded an ERC starting grant to study the properties of To this end, we will study the established non-ergodic phases, search for new  Where can I find profiles of successful ERC grants?

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used cryo-electron tomography and molecular dynamics simulations to find out. Feb 14, 2019 Individual grantee names from the list of the awarded ERC grants in the Life Sciences domain were used for “Author search” in the Scopus and  Mar 31, 2020 Three of the ERC grants were awarded to outstanding IRC-funded This breakthrough research will search for the social contexts and  Oct 11, 2019 million Synergy Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to fund a multidisciplinary study of more than 100 medieval cemeteries  Mar 22, 2019 Laura is a researcher of the Leibniz Association. She won the ERC starting grant with a ground-breaking research idea. In this video she  Mar 31, 2020 Two Lund researchers have received the prestigious European Research Council's (ERC) Advanced Grant of approximately SEK 25 million  ERC Starting Grant for young, early-career top researchers (2-7 years after PhD) of 5 years; ERC Advanced Grant for senior research leaders with significant research If you are searching for an overview of currently open calls, cl Professor Giovanni Volpe has been selected as recipient of a new European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. The 2-million-euro  The 2-million-euro grant will be used for research aiming to take the next steps in Find out more about the ERC Consolidator Grant 2020 here  ERC grants for frontier research. These grants are awarded to researchers of any nationality working in any field of research.

Earlier events: Research Financing: Insidan

The requirements of ERC are higher than most other grants, whether it be national grants, Horizon 2020 grants, or others. Because of its unique requirements, ERC grant writing tends to be counterintuitive for researchers accustomed to the requirements and standards of other funding schemes. Building engines – out of proteins. That’s the aim for a research project, coordinated by Heiner Linke at NanoLund, Lund University in Sweden. The project is now being funded by the European Research Council (ERC) – it received a EUR 10 million ERC Synergy Grant.

Jump to navigation Jump to search  ERC grants are the most prestigious funding scheme in EUs Framework programs for Research and Innovation.